Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the new year in school! I hope you all managed to get some time off to enjoy the summer and are looking forward to the next few months. We have been busy over the summer re-decorating Class 4 and installing a new teaching space within the conservatory. We are also planning to install a new classroom to extend our Nursery provision to accommodate 2-year-olds – watch this space for further news!!

School is back to normal with the juniors attending the County Show next week and Class 4 will be away on a residential from October 9th (details to follow). We have other events planned too, including a start of-term BBQ next Friday afternoon, (13th September) an opportunity for all parents, and prospective parents, to get together, catch up and say hello whilst enjoying a burger or two. Then pop over to the Heron Hall for the Storth Beer Festival to round off the evening. What could be better? – a burger followed by some real ale or a glass of gin amongst friends! The BBQ starts at 3:15pm on the playground – hope to see you there.

County Show
Next Thursday (12th September), the children in Classes 3 and 4 will be travelling to the Westmorland County Show. We are leaving at 9:30 am and will be back by the end of the school day. Children will need to be in school uniform with appropriate footwear; plus waterproofs/sun hats and sun cream depending on the weather. They will also need to bring a packed lunch and water bottle.
If any parents want to take their children independently (including those in Class 1 and 2) on either the Wednesday or Thursday, then that is absolutely fine! Just let us know.

We love having volunteers in school to help with anything at all! If you feel you have an hour or even a morning spare and would like to listen to some children read, help with some maths or simply to help create a display, then please just speak to any member of staff.
Don’t forget the PTA cake raffle every Friday – only 50p!

If you have any questions or queries then please see me at any time.

Best wishes,
Simon Brabant