Dance Platform at the Brewery
Class 4 will be performing at the Brewery in Kendal on Thursday, 27th March. The children will be leaving school at around 2:45 pm to arrive at the Brewery for a 3:15 pm practice. This will last until 5:30 pm, and then the children are free to leave the Brewery for a bite to eat and a break. Mrs Goodfellow and I will be staying at the Brewery throughout, so if you have no other option, then please just send them in with some extra food, and we will supervise. Children need to be back by 6:30 pm ready for the 7:00 pm start. The whole event is due to finish at around 8:15 pm. Could I ask that you collect your child from Kendal at this time if you are not attending the performance?
The children need to bring their costumes to school as soon as possible, please and we will store them here and take them on the day. Suggestions for the costumes have been given by Mrs Goodfellow, so please just contact her if you have any questions.
We are dependent on parent lifts into Kendal, so if any of you are available to help transport the children to the Brewery on Thursday afternoon, please could you let me know – there is no obligation to stay it would simply be a lift into Kendal.
Please don’t hesitate to see me or Mrs Goodfellow if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
Simon Brabant Susan Goodfellow