June 2019
Dear Parents
Welcome to the start of the end of the Summer term! It is going to be very busy with lots and lots of things happening before we break up on July 19th at 1:30pm.
Before anything, can I welcome Maggi and Jacob into Nursery and hope they enjoy their new surroundings!
The assessments are very nearly over (phonics happens next week) and we are building up to the summer production – the Wizard of Oz! Listed below are the key dates for the rest of term, but more is bound to be happening – watch this space!
! June 10 (next Monday): Leavers and Whole School Photos!
June 14 : Rainbow Run
June 17 – 21 :Class 3 residential Scotland
June 24 : Dallam/ QES new intake evening
June 25 : Dallam/ QES new intake day
Year 3/4/5 Heaves farm
June 29 : Storth Village Fete
July 3 : Sports day
July 5 : One Small Bird – Kendal Leisure Centre
July 6 : PTA Auction of Promises
July 10 : School production
July 12 : Y6 Leavers treat
July 19 : End of term
A few reminders – firstly we are a nut free school, so please check any ingredients/packed lunches.
The school is an “open school” which means anyone is free to come and use the facilities and space when they wish. All the school asks is that if children are coming in, can they be accompanied by an adult and respect the peace and quiet of our neighbours! The Heron Hall field is always available for large groups.
One final thing – the first edit of the school’s promotional film has been seen by a select few and it looks absolutely brilliant!! The big reveal will be on the night of the PTA auction.
As ever, any questions or queries please see me at any time.
Best wishes,
Simon Brabant