Summer Fayre

Friday is the PTA Summer Fayre. This will start at 3.00pm. Please do come along as there will be stalls, raffles, tombola and lots games as well as cakes from the Bake Off to buy.

There will be a BBQ at the Summer Fayre selling Sausage Buns and Burgers.

Cake Bake Off
All entries should be brought into school by 9.00am on Friday 12 July. Judging will take place during the day and all cakes will be sold at the Fayre. (Either whole or in slices)

Colour Run
This will take place on Friday 12 July, starting at 4.30pm. The cost will be £2 per entrant and payment should be made in cash and brought to school in the morning (ideally in a named envelope). If parents would like to purchase additional paint to throw at their child, tubs will be available at the start of the event for 50p. Adults are more than welcome to enter too. Entries will be accepted during the Fayre. Please make sure your child has suitable old clothing and goggles/glasses to wear although we are assured that the powder paint will not stain clothing.

There will be a PLANT STALL and a CAKE STALL so any donations for these would be very welcome.

Thank you for your continued support.

The PTA Team