Click here to download Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy


This policy relates to children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabled children. This policy adheres to recent legislation relating to SEN and Disabilities including;
• The Equality Act 2010: advice for schools DfE Feb 2013
• The Special Educational Needs Disability Code of Practice:0 to 25 years (September 2014)
• Schools SEN information Report Regulations (2014)
• The Children and Families Act 2014

At Storth C.E. School we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children, which is differentiated to meet individual needs and abilities. Children may have SEN throughout, or at any time during their school career. The individualised provision made enables all children to participate effectively in all curriculum and assessment activities, in addition to broader aspects of school life. Every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND.

Aims of the SEND Policy

We value all the children at our school equally and we recognise the entitlement of each child to receive the best possible education. Within a caring and mutually supportive environment, we aim to:
• build on the strengths and achievements of the child
• ensure that the special educational needs of children are identified, assessed and provided for as early as possible
• create an environment that meets the special needs of each child
• give equal access to all aspects of school life through academic, social and practical experiences. This will allow all children to experience success regardless of SEN, disability or any factor that may affect their attainment. This is in so far as it is reasonably practical and compatible with the child receiving their special educational provision and the effective education of their fellow pupils
• encourage children to develop confidence and self-esteem and to recognise the value of their own contributions to their learning
• make clear the expectations of all partners in the process and provision of special needs
• ensure parents are able to play their part in supporting their child’s education and are kept fully informed and are engaged in effective communication about their child’s SEN and provision
• work towards developing expertise in using inclusive teaching and learning strategies

Broad Areas of Need

These four broad areas give an overview of the range of needs that may be planned for:
• Communication and interaction
• Cognition and learning
• Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
• Sensory and/or physical impairment

The purpose of identification is to work out what action the school needs to take, not to fit a pupil into a category. We identify the needs of pupils by considering the needs of the whole child, which will include not just the special educational needs of the child or young person.

There are occasions when progress and attainment are affected by factors other than special educational needs. For example:
• Having a disability
• Attendance and punctuality
• Health and welfare
• Being in receipt of Pupil Premium due to receiving free school meals or having received these at some point in the past
• Being a Looked After/Adopted Child
• Using English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Where this is the case, the appropriate provision will be made, but this does not automatically necessitate the child receiving Special Educational Provision.

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