Financial Delegation Policy


The purpose of this document is to indicate the areas of responsibility held and delegated by the Governing Body.

The overall aim is to establish a clear, efficient and effective system of financial management and to clarify the roles and responsibilities involved.

The Governing Body accepts the advice and guidance with regard to finance outlined in the Financial, Administrative and Security Tasks Procedures Manual.

Accordingly the Governing Body have made the following decisions with regard to the delegation of powers and responsibilities.

A. Preparation of school management plan and budget

  • Responsibility of Headteacher and nominated financial Governor
  • Accountable to Governors
  • Undertaken annually in March

B. Decisions on how to spend the resources (the detailed items purchased)

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Accountable to Governors
  • Undertaken throughout the year

C. Decisions to transfer resources between budget headings (after the spending plan for the year has been approved)

  • Responsibility of Headteacher, nominated financial Governor and ChairpersonAccountable to GovernorsUndertaken when necessary

D. Advising the Corporate Director of Finance and Central Services of significant financial decisions to be considered by the Governing Body

  • Responsibility Headteacher
  • Accountable to Governing Body

E. Staffing Issues (e.g. Appointment, Dismissal, Disciplinary and Grievance aspects)

  • Responsibility of staffing sub-committee
  • Undertaken by Headteacher
  • Accountable to the Governing Body

F. Incurring Expenditure (e.g. placing orders)

  • Responsibility Headteacher
  • Authorised by the Headteacher
  • Undertaken by School AdministratorAccountable to Governing Body

Checking goods and services received (quantity, quality, price)

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken by School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

H. Certifying payments (goods, services, employees)

  • Responsibility Headteacher
  • Undertaken School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

I. Preparing and certifying prime documents and claims relating to the appointment, dismissal and payment of employees

  • Responsibility of Governing Body
  • Undertaken by Headteacher
  • Accountable to Governing Body

J. Standards Fund Allocation – Maintenance of the SF income and expenditure record

The Staff Development Officer is the Headteacher

  • Records are the responsibility of the Headteacher, School Administrator
  • Undertaken Headteacher
  • Accountable to Governing Body

K. Signatories of cheques (school fund or petty cash)

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken by Headteacher, School Administrator, Senior Staff Member (any two out of three)
  • Accountable to Governing Body

L. Monitoring of spending

  • Responsibility of Finance Governor
  • Undertaken by Headteacher, Financial Governor
  • Accountable to Governing Body

M. Reconciliation of school financial records to LA information

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken by School Administrator
  • Accountable to Finance Governor

N. Calculation of those charges within the Governing Body’s discretion (lettings etc.)

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

O. Collecting and banking of cash

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

P. Custody of Cash

  • Responsibility of HeadteacherUndertaken by School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

Q. Custody and security of buildings and equipment (including inventories and physical verification)

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken by School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

R. Security and non-disclosure of confidential data (computer and paper based)

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken by Headteacher, School AdministratorAccountable to Governing Body

S. Administrating and controlling stocks and stores

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken by School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

T. Arranging insurances (those which fall upon the school budget)

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken by School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

U. Approval and distribution extent of this document

  • Responsibility of Headteacher
  • Undertaken by School Administrator
  • Accountable to Governing Body

It should normally be the case that, in addition to all Governors, a copy be given to each person named in the document and that there be a copy available in the care of the Headteacher so that other members of staff who wish to view it may do so.

Authorised ___________________________________ Date _______________(Chair of Governors)

The contents of this document should be subject to an annual review by the Governors.

The review should be evidenced in meeting minutes and the ‘delegation policy’ signed and dated.