Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day It’s Red Nose Day on Friday 17th of March and we’d like to take part in raising money for Children in Need. Pupils can come to school in their own clothes for a donation of £1. They can wear something red, like socks, hair accessories, a t-shirt etc…...

Parents Evenings

Parents Evening   As you know, you are always very welcome to make an appointment at any time to discuss your child’s progress. If you feel there is a need for a more formal discussion, then there will be opportunities to discuss your child’s work with:...
Cross Country Fun at the District Championships

Cross Country Fun at the District Championships

A few photographs of the fun the children had running through the mud to compete in the South Lakeland District cross-country championships at Casterton. 27 children volunteered from years 3-6 to compete, and 2 gained entry to compete in the county championships.

Nature Talk

You are invited to a free illustrated talk with exhibits on Nature’s patterns at Storth Village Hall on Wednesday January 18th 2023 7-8 pm