PTA Minutes

PTA Meeting Monday 10th June 2019 7pm @ The Ship Inn Present: R. Boyd, T. Bellamy, S. Brabant, L. Duff, L. Scott , G. Spencer, T. Shepherd, K. Lenton, R. Thompson Apologies: K. Salt, H. Williams, J. Buchanan, C. Colquhoun, A. Hine, G. Drinkall, , P. Pearson, , S....

Bonus Ball

Congratulations to Tina Bellamy for winning £25.   Please make sure you make your payments online or drop your cash at the school office by Friday to be in with a chance to...

Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Competition 25th April We have decided to have an Easter egg decorating competition.  Eggs can be brought into school from Tuesday 16 April and must arrive by 9am on Thursday 25 April when judging will take place. Prizes will be awarded on Friday to each...

Welcome Back Easter 2019

Welcome to the start of the Summer term!! Seems a little odd when we haven’t had Easter yet – but hopefully things will settle down quickly. We have sats for Year 6 in four weeks and then lots and lots of exciting events to take us through to July. I would like to...

Bonus Ball 16th April

Congratulations to Louise Parker, Gillian Nicholls and Anne Gleadow for winning the past few week’s bonus balls. Please email your bank details and we will transfer your winnings!  We need to pay online as we don’t have many cash payments these days.   It...

PTA Raffle Prizes

  Welcome Back   It’s only 2 weeks until the PTA Spring Fayre. It is being held on Saturday 27th April from 10 am until midday.   We are asking for donations of cakes/ tray bakes for our cake stall.   If you would be kind enough to bake something for us to sell on the...