Little Herons
Our Little Herons two-year-old provision is blooming under the careful and very watchful eyes of Mrs Stephens and Ms Gibson. The children are thriving and look to be really happy and content in their new home!
Due to this success, we will be opening Little Herons on a full-time basis from Easter and will be open from 9:00 until 3:15 every Monday to Friday in term time. If you would be interested in your toddler or anybody else’s toddler, joining the gang – then please let us know!
In other news – our planning permission has been approved and so we will be installing our brand new and bespoke building to accommodate all of our Little Herons after the summer holidays. Plans will be on display from Monday if you would like to take a look!
If you have any questions, then please get in touch at any time.
Best wishes
Simon Brabant