Welcome Back

Welcome to the new term, we hope that you have had a lovely Summer and the children are ready for a fun time in Class 1. This year we are taking on a new approach for us in the way that the children learn and are taught. We are trialing the implementation on ‘In the Moment Planning’, this is a child led approach where observation, teaching and assessment is undertaken immediately whilst the child is busy in school in their own choice of play. Over each term your child will have an in-depth focus week, we will send home a letter beforehand for you to complete along with some photos. These will then be available to us to use in your child’s teaching and learning the following week. If you have any questions please do ask. We will continue to teach phonics and maths sessions in fun, structured sessions. This year we will also we using an online learning journal where we will upload photos and observations of your child. You will be able to access this at home, log-in details will follow shortly with further details.


Please ensure that your child has a pair of named wellies in school and a spare set of clothes and underwear just in case. Each day your child requires a water bottle and a coat, as the weather gets colder please send in hat and gloves as we do go outside every day. We will be doing PE on a Monday and Friday afternoon, Reception children will receive a school PE kit, Nursery children who are in during these sessions can bring a kit if they like or we are very happy for them to just wear suitable clothing to school that day, e.g. legging or tracksuit bottoms with trainers.

Reading Books

The children in Reception will be introduced to the reading scheme over the next few weeks, please ensure that they have a book-bag, these are available from Mrs Barker in the office for £4. Nursery children can take home a library book if they have a book-bag too. Reading at home is so beneficial to enhancing your child’s ability in learning to read with more fluency and understanding. We really do encourage regular sharing of books at home, please can you always record these times in your child’s yellow reading record.


We have been very lucky over recent years to have parent, grandparent and friends of the school volunteering in our class; the adults and especially the children love this and we would love further offers whether on an ad-hoc basis, or more regular.

Tuck Shop

It will continue each day alongside the free fruit and free milk until your child’s 5th birthday. Tuck Shop is 20p per day and we would be grateful that it is paid at the beginning of the week or half termly for ease. The children independently choose from toast, crumpet, potato cake, rice cake or bread-sticks and place their order as they arrive in the morning. We also have a Friday fundraising raffle, tickets are 50p and sold in the conservatory, three prizes are drawn in assembly.

Kind regards

Helen Ireland