Please click this link to download the Covid Outbreak Management Plan V2 – Sept 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
Please also see attached the latest advice from County. I have copied the key piece:
1. Children and young people between the ages of 5 and 18+6 months
Children and young people between the ages of 5 and 18+6 months (unless exempt – see below), are advised to stay at home if anyone in their household tests positive for COVID-19 (via either a PCR or Lateral Flow test).
Five days following the onset of symptoms in the household contact who has tested positive (or test date if the positive case had no symptoms), the close contact young person should get a PCR test. If this is negative, they can return to the school but should isolate again immediately and get another test if they develop symptoms of COVID-19 later.
Children and young people in this situation can be released from this self-isolation guidance and can continue to attend the setting while they are waiting for their PCR result if they conduct daily Lateral Flow tests, and these remain negative. If they develop symptoms of COVID-19 or receive a positive Lateral Flow test result, they should immediately isolate and get a PCR test. This approach is likely to be the norm for secondary school pupils, but it is also an option for primary school pupils if the parents/carers and school are in agreement.