It’s now Christmas Fair Collection Week 2!
This week, we are asking for donations of Chocolates and Sweets for the Tombola. This can be a huge box of Chocolates, a small box of Chocolates, or anything in between. A Chocolate Bar, a packet of Smarties, Jelly Babies, Bon Bons, Polo Mints, in fact anything you would find in a sweet shop—there are endless possibilities!!!
We are still short of Raffle Prizes (Room Raffles at the three Christmas Concerts) and Luxury Festive Hamper Items so we can make up some fancy Hampers as the main Raffle prizes so please feel free to send in any further donations for these.
Suggestions for Hamper:- Mince Pies, Chocolates, Biscuits(packet or box), Ground Coffee, Special Tea & Hot Chocolate, Jams & Pickles, Christmas Pudding, Luxury Crisps, etc.
The Treat for the children will be a Mufti Day.
Any donations should be brought into school on FRIDAY.
Thank you for your continued support.
The PTA Team