Class Spring Term Information
Welcome back to the Spring term, I hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas break and best wishes for the New Year.
We will begin this half term learning all about Winter, we have chatted to the children about what they already know about the season and what they would like to know. We look forward to enhancing their learning over the coming weeks. As the weather has become much colder please could you ensure that your child has a warm coat each day, a hat and gloves. Please make sure that these are named, many gloves are very similar and the majority end up on the classroom floor, not in coat pockets! All children require a pair of wellies in school and at this time of year, an extra pair of warm socks can make little toes much warmer too.
Please can I remind you that Reception children require their PE kit back in school. There is building work taking place in the Heron Hall this half term, so unfortunately we will not be able to do our PE lessons in there. We will therefore be outside, weather dependant. Please make sure that your child has some warm tracksuit bottoms in their PE bag. We will be doing PE on a Tuesday afternoon and probably a Friday morning. Nursery children need to wear warm clothes on these days or bring a pair of tracksuit bottoms to wear to keep warm. Additionally, please make sure that all children have spare underwear and socks in their bags.
Mrs Barker has sent out a separate email regarding tuck shop money. I would be very grateful if you could let me know if you have paid this via BACs.
Could I please encourage you to keep reading with your child and make a note each time in their yellow reading record? Nursery and Reception children have a library book for you to share together, Reception have a reading book so that they can read to you. Most children now have a book bag, to help protect the books we only allow books to go home in them. If you would like to buy one, they are approximately £4 and available from the office.
School lunches need to be ordered through Lunchshop, they can be ordered 3 weeks in advance. These are free to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, but can be paid for by Nursery children. Please chat with your child about what you have ordered for them. We will try to let you know if they really do not like something. Your child can always bring a packed lunch and a water bottle should be brought each day too.
We welcome any help within the classroom, if you would like to volunteer this can be on an ad-hoc basis or regularly and could include activities such as reading with children, craft activities, gardening, the list is endless and very much appreciated!
Best wishes,
Helen Ireland