Mufti Day for Australia

PTA Mufti Day- Fundraising Event for Australia  The PTA would like the children to come to school, on Friday, in their own clothes in support of the WWF and their efforts to help the animals affected by the devastating fires (and floods) in Australia. They suggest a...

PTA Meeting Minutes

PTA Meeting – Monday 13th January 2020 Ship Inn 7 pm 1. News Planning permission has been agreed for the new classroom!! Need just that last few thousand so hopefully the fundraising events below will meet this. 2. Fundraising School Lottery January –...

Welcome Back and Dates

Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all – especially to Alex who joins us in Year 6 and to Abigail who is just starting in Nursery. I hope everyone has had a rest and is raring to get going in this short, but very busy term. I would like to thank, on behalf of...

PTA Meeting

There is a PTA Meeting on MONDAY 13 JANUARY 2020 at 7.00 pm at the SHIP INN, Sandside. The meeting is to discuss plans for the Spring Term so please come along with some ideas. New parents are very welcome to come and see what the PTA does and get involved as little...

Forest School

Dear Class 1 Parents/Carers, As some of you may be aware, I am nearing completion of the Level 3 Forest School Qualification, therefore I am now leading Forest School sessions. We will endeavour to venture into the woods every Friday starting 10th January until 14th...