School Swimming
Last term I contacted you all concerning school swimming and specifically the cost of transport for school swimming. I asked you all if you would be happy to help cover the cost of transporting the children to and from the Carnforth swimming pool every Friday for their weekly swimming session.
The cost of hiring the pool is covered by our PE sports funding and obviously, Mrs Goodfellow and Mrs Bellamy are qualified swimming instructors which help to alleviate the cost enormously. The cost of transporting the children each week is approximately £300 which the school has to pay. Swimming is part of the National Curriculum but there is no provision for transport.
The overwhelming consensus from you as parents was that you would be happy to make a voluntary contribution of £5.00 per week to help offset the transport costs. This would equate to £ a term.
If you are still happy to make this voluntary contribution, then could you please BACS across to Mrs Barker at your convenience or drop any money into the school office?
Swimming will continue come what may as it is so important to equip the children with every skill they can possibly learn. Your contributions will help the school maintain its commitment and ensure that other areas of our provision remain intact.
Many thanks for your support.
Simon Brabant