Class 1 Letter
Welcome back to the new year.
This half term we will be learning about the topics of Winter and Jungle.
Please ensure that your child has a warm coat, hat, and gloves in school each day. We are trying to make them as independent as possible so if you could practise putting on their own coats and gloves at home too that would be great. We really appreciate easy shoe fastenings too, so please no laces. So far, I’ve not known a four-year-old who can tie them independently. Going inside and outside regularly and putting on their wellies can be a long process!
We are continuing with our reading challenge, it has been great seeing so many reading teddies going home each week, we really would like to thank you for your support in encouraging your child to enjoy books. The majority of children in the Nursery have a bookbag and therefore are taking part in the reading challenge. If you would like to purchase a bookbag these are £7 and can be purchased from Mrs Barker or through the link on the website to Coniston Corporate.
We do PE twice a week on a Monday and a Wednesday afternoon. Reception children need their PE kits in school – PE t-shirt, shorts, PE pumps, tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a pair of socks for swapping with tights. Nursery children do not need to get changed, they can come to school in appropriate clothes for sports eg leggings, tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt and trainers.
Mrs Barker sent out an email regarding tuck payments with the amounts. Please could you let me know if you have paid this via cash /BACs, or you do not want your child to have tuck. Thank you to those parents who have let me know that they have paid, it saves me asking Mrs Barker for updates.
With it being wet and muddy outside at the moment please can you ensure that your child has a spare set of clothes in school just in case they need to get changed. Reception children have their PE kits that can be used but please can they have a pair of socks and underwear in their PE bags. Nursery children can leave a set of clothes in school which also saves them carrying a rucksack each day.
Our fundraising cake raffle takes place each Friday. Tickets are 50p each and you have the chance to win an amazing cake. We rely on parents, grandparents and family members making a cake each week. If you can, please add your name to the sign-up sheet at the front of the school. It does not have to be homemade, a bought cake is absolutely fine. This is a very exciting time in assembly each Friday as the winning ticket is drawn!
If you have any questions about what we are doing in Class 1 please do not hesitate to ask.
Many thanks
Helen Ireland