Parents Information

Welcome to Class 3 and for those in Year 4, welcome back! In class 3 I teach the children in the mornings and Mr Brabant, Mrs Goodfellow and Mrs Buchanan in the afternoons. All the teachers are supported by Miss Million, Mr Hunt, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Hvozd. On Tuesday, I have PPA time and Mrs Goodfellow teaches the class in the morning and Mrs Buchanan in the afternoon.

We are passionate about creating a welcoming, fun, caring and stimulating teaching environment. All the teachers liaise regularly to ensure the continuation of each child’s learning and progress.


Children are encouraged to change their reading books independently and are given time during the day to do so. If your child is a keen and enthusiastic reader, then they are welcome to choose more books. Your child will experience a wide range of books in school, both fiction and non-fiction. Please encourage your child to read their books to you and discuss the content and their enjoyment of what they have read. Please record in the home-school reading record book when you hear your child read or the children can do this themselves.

Teachers hear all children read each week during a focused small group Guided Reading session. In addition to this, the children will read individually to me or a staff member. Please ensure your child has their reading record book and reading book in their school bag each day.


PE is on Thursdays and Fridays. Please make sure PE bags stay in school. In the Spring term swimming will take place on a Friday morning. Children must ensure they have a towel and a full costume for girls and swimming jammers for boys with everything named. Children must remove their earrings for PE or before school, please. If your child cannot remove their earrings, can they please bring plasters/tape to wear?


Homework is given out every Wednesday and children need to ensure this goes home with them, to be returned on or before Mondays. Activities will cover what we have been learning about in school so that the knowledge and understanding can be consolidated whenever possible.



We are very grateful for the valuable help and support of volunteers. The children thoroughly enjoy and gain from helpers being with us. If anyone would like to come into school to help, please do speak to us.

Occasionally, the children will have the option to watch David Attenborough’s Planet Earth during lunchtime if they choose. Please notify me or a staff member if this is something you would prefer your child not to watch.

We hope that your child will be very happy in Class 3. We aim to work in partnership with all parents and carers to develop children’s self-esteem, independence and enthusiasm to learn. We are really excited about the year ahead and working with you to ensure the very best for your child.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or contact the school.