Class 1 Letter

Dear Parents
Welcome to the new school year, I hope that you have had a lovely Summer and that your child is looking forward to their adventures in Class 1. We will begin this half term with the theme ‘All About Me’, before progressing to ‘Autumn and Harvest’.
We will be doing PE on Monday. Reception children will be given their first Storth PE tshirt and shorts. Nursery children do not need to get changed, we just ask that they come to school dressed in suitable clothing for physical activities eg leggings, tshirt and trainers. PE kits will be left in school until half term when we send them home for washing. All children will need spare underwear and socks in their PE bags, nursery children a spare set of clothes too. Please supply a pair of wellies that can be left in school for outside play. All school uniform and PE kit needs to be clearly named.
Please do not send your child into school with any toys from home. We have a lot of toys in our classroom and we do not allow the children to play with their own personal items. Last year our box was overflowing and we have made the decision to not allow toys to be brought in. It was upsetting for the children when items went missing or got broken.
If your child is going to be absent from school please email the office or telephone.
Over the coming weeks Reception children will begin to bring home reading books to share with you. They will require a bookbag which will contain their books and a reading record. Reading with your child is so beneficial, please write comments in the reading record each time you read together. All children in Reception and Nursery can bring home a library/ choosing book to share too. Please write a comment in the reading record too when you have read together.
Each day your child will require –
• Coat
• Water bottle (only containing water please)
• Bookbag with books and reading record inside
• Lunch or ordered school lunch
• Long hair tied back

All children in Reception and Nursery receive free fruit each day and free milk until their fifth birthday. We run an optional healthy tuck each morning, this is 20p and your child can choose toast, rice cake, breadsticks or extra fruit. This can be paid weekly, half termly, termly or daily. Mrs Barker has sent out a reminder with the amount for the half term. Please will you let me know if you have paid this via BACs. Cash is also fine.

If anyone would like to volunteer in school whether on a regular or adhoc basis we will always welcome you. This might be for listening to readers, helping with craft activities or us taking advantage of your skills!

We will be beginning our forest school sessions over the next couple of weeks. Details regarding the clothing required will follow. We will be uploading regular photos and observations onto our online learning journal Tapestry. If you need any help, log in details please let me know.

Best wishes,
Helen Ireland